Looking for a mortgage in MN, WI, IA, ND, SD, CO, or FL?
As a direct mortgage lender, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Colorado, and Florida, home loans are all we do.
We beat the competition and the Real Estate Agents' in house lender everyday with super competitive mortgage rates, and the lowest closing costs possible. All from fully licensed Loan Officers, providing great personalized service.
When you decide to buy a home or refinance a mortgage throughout the upper Midwest area, your search for a home loan should start and end with Cambria Mortgage, the award winning Twin City area mortgage experts, with a 5 STAR Promise!
With so many lenders to choose from both locally and nationally, you need to pick one you can trust to provide the mortgage loan that is best for you.
Offering the some of the most competetive mortgage interest rates, without the middle man fees of mortgage brokers.
Find the lowest mortgage interest rates in MN, WI, IA, ND, SD,CO, or FL
View current mortgage interest rates and closing cost quote 24/7. No SSN required.
Commitment to Your Knowledge
Joe Metzler and his team are committed to helping you make truly informed mortgage decisions. Our advice goes beyond just quoting interest rates and closing costs. We provide a complete analysis of your situation to make sure you are not only getting a home, but the best home loan possible.
Popular mortgage loan programs
For our military personal, we offer a zero down payment VA Home Loan, and for everyone else, a zero down payment USDA Rural Development loan?
As you can see, we offer a broad range of mortgage loans for both a home purchase or refinance with super competitive interest rates and first-rate service from fully licensed Loan Officers.
Need First Time Home Buyer programs with Down Payment Assistance?
We offer the MHFA Start Up and Step Up down payment assistance programs. Get up to $51,5000 in down payment assistance to those who qualify.
Call us for more details, or simply apply online. No obligations
Latest Mortgage News
Down payment assistance income limits! |
First Time home buyers looking for down payment assistance have some great news... MHFA, the MN Housing Finance Agency, has recently announced increased income limits to qualify for their deferred down payment assistance program. A family can potentially qualify for $51,500 in a down payment assistance loan with no payments due until you satisfy the first mortgage (sell or refinance) the home. Click here for
more information on the MHFA Down Payment
Assistance program. |
Mortgage Refinance

Lower your existing loan payment, or take cash out for anything. To get started click here